You’ve decided to start using a standing desk, but realized your keyboard and mouse are too high for comfort. What do you do now? Your best bet is to add a standing desk keyboard tray so you can position your keyboard and mouse at the right height for you.
There are dozens (if not more) of underdesk keyboard tray options available on the market. But a keyboard tray that works well for a standing desk needs to have certain features:
Platform size. If the keyboard tray has a single platform, you’ll want to be sure it’s large enough to hold your keyboard and mouse.
Adjustable height. Some keyboard trays just slide out from under the desk’s surface. If your standing desk is at the right height for viewing your monitor, you’ll need a keyboard tray that can move up and down. This is especially true if you have an adjustable height standing desk that allows you to work while sitting or standing.
Desk shape. If you have an L-shaped desk, you might need to install a desk extension to mount a keyboard tray to—if you want to place your monitor in the corner. Your keyboard tray will need to move far enough out from under the desk’s surface that you can reach the entire keyboard.
Track length. Find the optimum distance you’ll stand from your desk, and find a keyboard tray that can slide out from under the desk to that distance. Since you won’t need to worry about arm rests on a chair interfering with the distance, you may not need a keyboard tray with a very long track.
Tilt ability. To achieve the ideal typing posture, you should find a keyboard tray that can tilt forward and backward. The most ergonomic typing posture would place your keyboard tray at a negative angle—where the numbers and function keys at the top of the keyboard are lower than the space bar.
Easy to adjust. Ergonomic products should not only help you achieve the ideal posture while working, but should also be simple to use. You definitely don’t want to have to fight to make adjustments to your standing desk keyboard tray.
Separate mousing platform. If you have a keyboard tray positioned at a negative angle, your mouse will roll right off. That’s where a separate mousing platform can come in very handy. You can adjust the mousing platform to be level, and tilt your keyboard tray—they should adjust separately. No matter what kind of standing desk keyboard tray you buy, when you pair one with a standing desk, you’ll reduce your chances of musculoskeletal disorders and may even have more energy throughout the day!