We designed LIFT to be an adjustable height monitor stand that can comfortably hold single monitors, dual monitors, and heavy monitors like the iMac at an ergonomically-correct height for standing.
If LIFT’s height is too tall, to sit in a "normal" chair, we recommend utilizing a higher chair (like a drafting chair or the Wobble Stool). Sitting higher will make it much easier and more likely that you’ll convert back and forth between sitting and standing. Using a higher stool or chair removes the burden and decreases the time required to convert between sitting and standing.
We believe LIFT works great especially for standing. As a standing desk "converter" it adjusts in height + holds virtually all monitors + it has room to raise work essentials to a comfortable standing height (think documents / folders / calculators / etc.). If you feel LIFT is too tall for sitting comfortable, consider investing in a taller chair or the Wobble Stool – your health will probably thank you.