Ergonomics for the Home Office

Ergonomics for the Home Office

Working from home comes with several benefits, like setting your own hours, working your PJs, hanging out with your animals, and avoiding the dreaded commute. However, if you don’t incorporate proper ergonomics into your home office set-up, you will likely find yourself struggling with discomfort, injury, and fatigue.

One of the most common problems we see here at Uncaged Ergonomics is the pain associated with all-day sitting and typing. How many times have you stopped work to rub your sore back or flex uncomfortable wrists? Over time, a poor office setup leads to painful injuries like degenerative disc disease and carpal tunnel syndrome. But with just a few inexpensive ergonomic items and some proper positioning, you can alleviate these problems, maintain your health and comfort, and increase your productivity.

Try an Ergonomic Keyboard Tray

If you work at a fixed-height desk, you may find yourself reaching awkwardly for your keyboard or straining your wrists as you type. Make sure you’re not using the flips tabs that raise the back of your keyboard, as this bends your wrists upwards, causing accumulated strain and injury. Your wrists should be flat as you type, or at a slight downward slope.

Avoid resting your wrists or palms on a hard surface. Instead, “float” your hands over your keyboard, which will keep your wrists in a neutral position. You can occasionally rest your palms on a soft support when you need a little break.

Arms should be hanging comfortably from your shoulders, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. You should not be reaching up or out as you type. If your fixed-height desk causes you to type in an awkward position, a keyboard tray like our KT1 solves this problem by bringing your keyboard lower than desk height and closer to your lap. The KT1 offers a range of adjustability including height, swivel, and tilt, providing intuitive adjustment and the optimal typing posture.

Alternate Positions Throughout the Day

Being stuck in your chair for eight hours or more is simply not comfortable, even if you have a state-of-the-art ergonomic chair. Our bodies simply were not meant for sitting all day. Being able to stand while you work, liberating yourself from your office chair, makes a life-changing difference.

Options for standing range from our RISE UP electric height adjustable-desk to inexpensive and portable options like our WorkEZ standing desk . The WorkEZ consists of a laptop/monitor stand, keyboard tray, and mouse platform, all individually height adjustable to quickly and easily get your working in the ideal ergonomic position.

Ensure Correct Monitor Height and Distance

Neck discomfort and eye strain are common problems resulting from long-term computer work. You can reduce your risk of injury by positioning your monitor an arm’s length away from you, with the top of the screen at eye level. If you use a laptop, you may consider getting an external monitor to avoid hunching over the screen.

Ensure Proper Lighting

Whenever possible, take advantage of natural lighting, which not only is more comfortable for your eyes, but also affects your overall mood, productivity, and energy. If you need a focused light source, choose an ergonomic task light with various brightness and warmth settings.

Investing in a proper ergonomic home office does not have to be expensive. With just a few adjustments to your positioning and one or two products ideal to your work habits and needs, you’ll find yourself much more comfortable and productive.

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