All About the Ergonomic Office Furniture Craze

All About the Ergonomic Office Furniture Craze

Sitting down for long periods of time is taking years off our lives, according to research. It’s been widely linked with obesity, heart disease and bowel cancer. One Harvard study suggests that those who slouch are likely to see their testosterone level drop by 10 percent and cortisol level rise by 15 percent. This translates to low confidence and increased stress.

Employers are beginning to realize the strain poor posture is having on their workforce’s wellbeing and are investing, rather than in traditional office furniture, in ergonomic furniture, specifically ergonomic office furniture. Essentially, this is everyday objects refined to work more efficiently with humans. Examples of ergonomic office furniture are a chair that better supports the spine, or a keyboard and mouse sculpted for improved dexterity and comfort, so fingers aren’t always bent.

Why Ergonomic Office Furniture?

Specifically referring to the workplace, every piece of office furniture is going to play an important part in boosting your productivity, as well as potential. With the inclusion of great ergonomic furniture, you'll have the ability to take your productivity to an entirely new level. It's the reason why nearly all office spaces in the world are providing a makeover to their boring and old furniture by including stylish, as well as new furniture within their offices.

Here are a few of the ways leading to the ergonomic office furniture craze—they may enhance your productivity in the workplace:

Active seating is fun

Encouraging you to remain in motion rather than staying in a rigid seated posture is called active sitting, or dynamic sitting. Active sitting is fidget-friendly and can also help improve concentration. Try one of our active chairs to strengthen your core while resting your feet.

Greater aesthetic appeal

Ergonomic furniture is far more eye catching than cheaper, more basic alternatives. Designed to appear sleek and frequently constructed of sustainable, eco-friendly materials, an inviting design makes ergonomic office furniture an attractive and practical addition to your office.

Standing desks improve your health

Because of the decreased chance of diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, a variety of studies have discovered a significant connection between the amount of time an individual spends sitting and the odds of developing any one of the above conditions. Using an adjustable height standing desk lets you work while sitting or standing—all with the push of a button.

Ergonomics improves quality

Poor ergonomics leads to distracted and tired employees that don’t do their best work. When your job task is too physically taxing on you, you’re not working in optimal conditions. It’s a good idea to help your employer understand why to purchase and have you use ergonomic office furniture, so you can keep your focus throughout the day.

Ergonomics reduces costs

By systematically reducing ergonomic risk factors, you can prevent costly musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Workers compensation costs attributed to MSDs is approximately $1 out of every $3. This is why so many companies are ditching traditional office furniture for ergonomic furniture.

Lots of options

With so many studies done in recent years, there’s inarguable proof that ergonomic office furniture improves all aspects of a workplace. Where there was once just a small selection of desk chairs, there’s now keyboard trays, monitor arms, height adjustable sit to stand desks, and even bicycle and treadmill desks. With so many products on the market, costs have been reduced and it’s cost effective for a company to invest in ergonomic furniture to keep their employees healthy and productive.


With all of these factors in mind, there’s no reason for any business to avoid ergonomic furniture: employees will thank you for it with their continued productivity. Reducing employees’ need to take time away from the office with musculoskeletal problems is equally profitable.

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