Mastering the Art of the Standing Desk

Mastering the Art of the Standing Desk

Getting a standing desk at work can be exciting. You've heard all about the health problems associated with sitting for too long. Now you're ready to practice ergonomics and work in a healthier way.

You may have access to a standing desk, but that doesn't mean that using it automatically makes you healthy. You need to know the best way to use the desk so you can enjoy the health benefits associated with standing.

If you're new to using standing desks, you've come to the right place. Here's our 3 simple-to-follow and essential tips that can help you get the most out of your new standing desk.

1. Alternate Between Standing and Sitting

You have a standing desk, but that doesn't mean that you should stand during your entire workday.

You've probably read plenty of studies about how bad sitting all day can be for your health. Sitting around the clock isn't good, but standing for the entire workday isn't ideal either.

Standing still for long periods could harm your leg muscles, tendons, and other connective tissues. It could even cause varicose veins.

The best way to avoid these health problems is to regularly switch between standing and sitting. You could switch every hour or half-hour depending on your comfort level.

2. Get the Right Standing Mat

If you're going to use a standing desk, you can't just use any mat you find to stand on. Ask your office if you can use an anti-fatigue mat.

Anti-fatigue mats are used in jobs where you stand for much of the workday, like production lines, check out lanes, and counters.

The mats are designed to combat standing fatigue by encouraging very subtle and small movements in your leg muscles. This can help reduce overall discomfort and can help improve blood flow.

3. Adjust Your Screens

When you switch between standing and sitting, you're going to need to spend a little time adjusting your screen each time you make the change.

If your screen is too close to your face you could end up damaging your eyes. But if you place your screen too far away, you could end up straining your eyes.

When you’re standing, the top of the monitor should be at or just below your eye level. It should also have a small upward tilt between 10 and 20 degrees.

Remember, when you're using your screen you shouldn't have to tilt your neck up or down.

Also, be sure to adjust the placement of your keyboard when you work. Doing so can put less strain on your neck, arms, and shoulders.

Your Next Steps After Mastering the Standing Desk

A standing desk is a great way to incorporate healthy habits into the workday, but it's only just a start. There are a lot of adjustments you can make to your working area that can help you lead a healthier life.

Have you heard about the benefits of using an active sitting chair with your new standing desk? Do you have a stand for your laptop?

We have a lot to teach you! Browse our blog so you can learn about the latest in ergonomic adjustments for your work station.

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