10 Things to Consider Before Buying a Standing Desk

10 Things to Consider Before Buying a Standing Desk

As more research shows that people should spend less time sitting, individuals and companies alike are turning to standing desks to create more ergonomic workstations. We put together a list of 10 things to consider before buying a standing desk:

  1. How long will you spend sitting and standing each day? Aim for a goal of at least two hours each day standing or moving around. An electric height adjustable computer desk is a great way to switch back and forth.
  2. Read online reviews to learn whether a specific model has a noisy motor, for example. Also be on the lookout for shaking or wobbling—even the sturdiest adjustable standing computer desk may wobble a bit if it’s loaded down.
  3. What’s the warranty like? Are the separate components, like the motors, legs, control panel, and surface warranted separately? What’s the return policy and process? In addition to the information on the sellers’ websites, be sure to check out online reviews to learn the ins and outs of how to resolve any issues you may have.
  4. How long will it take to ship? Is the exact model you want in stock? Understand the shipping charges and timelines before you order.
  5. Is it easy to assemble? Even a seasoned DIYer will probably need a second set of hands when assembling an electric height adjustable computer desk, because they can be fairly heavy. Many sellers have assembly videos or the assembly instruction booklet available on their website. Look through the instructions beforehand, so you’ll know whether you need to hire someone for assembly.
  6. Will it fit in your space? Do the measuring as part of your research so you’ll know which models to include or rule out—you should be able to find an adjustable standing computer desk that fits in even the tightest spaces.
  7. Which premium features do you need? Each seller may offer a different variety of add-ons, which may include grommets or other cable management options, locking casters to make your desk more mobile, keyboard trays, PC holders, drawers, and control panels with memory presets. Don’t buy more than you’ll use.

  8. Will it hold all your stuff? You’ll want to know before you purchase whether your new desk can handle the weight of the items you put on it.
  9. Does it adjust to the height you need? Check the specifications and do some measuring to be sure your desk will fit you—especially if you’re very short or very tall.
  10. Consider your shoes. It might sound crazy, but if you plan to stand while working, you’ll want to keep your feet in mind. Plan to wear comfortable shoes and/or invest in an anti-fatigue mat to use while you stand.
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